Elderberries Ranked #1 in Nutrition

So for this ranking, we’ve stuck to edible berries that fit the botanical description without getting too broad while also throwing in some berries that are technically misnomers. To rank them, we stacked up their nutritional content. Areas like total carbohydrates and calories worked against their ranking, while vitamins A, B6, C, potassium, iron, and fiber counted toward a better ranking. All the berries were counted in one-cup increments in their raw form.

Health Benefits of Elderberry

Some of the most important health benefits of elderberries include their ability to boost immune system function, protect against bacteria and infection, slow down the spread of cancer, moderate the digestive process, prevent the development of diabetes, reduce the pain and speed associated with autoimmune diseases, help with weight loss, lower blood pressure, and alleviate allergies.
Elderberries were listed in the CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs as early as 1985, and are listed in the 2000 Mosby’s Nursing Drug reference for colds, flu, yeast infections, nasal and chest congestion, and hay fever. In Israel, Hasassah’s Oncology Lab has determined that elderberry stimulates the body’s immune system and they are treating cancer and AIDS patients with it. The wide range of medical benefits (from flu and colds to debilitating asthma, diabetes, and weight loss) is probably due to the enhancement of each individual’s immune system.

At the Bundesforschungsanstalt research center for food in Karlsruhe, Germany, scientists conducting studies on Elderberry showed that elderberry anthocyanins enhance immune function by boosting the production of cytokines. These unique proteins act as messengers in the immune system to help regulate immune response, thus helping to defend the body against disease. Further research indicated that anthocyanins found in elderberries possess appreciably more antioxidant capacity than either vitamin E or vitamin C.

Studies at Austria’s University of Graz found that elderberry extract reduces oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol is implicated in atherogenesis, thus contributing to cardiovascular disease.

Elderflowers are also used for their health benefits. http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-elderberry.html

Elderberry Juice http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/articles/Elderberry-juice.html

Elder grows as s a shrub with excellent medicinal properties. It is native to North America and Europe. Botanically, elderberry is referred to as Sambucus Nigra. The elderberry fruit is reddish brown to purple and shiny black in color. It is therefore also known as black elderberry. Elderberry benefits have been known to mankind since ages, and elderberries have been widely used for medicinal as well as culinary purposes. They are also used as an ingredient in various skin creams and other cosmetics.

In order to derive maximum elderberry benefits, the best thing is to drink fresh juice of the elderberry fruits. Elderberry juice benefits are attributed to its nutrients, which include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, carotenoids, amino acids, and flavonoids. Elderberry juice is also very rich in certain essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and several anti-oxidants…

The health benefits of elderberry juice or the black elderberry extract benefits are as mentioned below:

  • Elderberry juice has the ability to prevent and treat ailments and disorders of the respiratory system such as common colds and flu, cough, chest congestion, sore throats, bronchitis, and asthma. Regular intake of black elderberry juice protects you against any such ailments. Elderberry for flu treatment was being used by native North Americans as traditional medicine. Since common colds and flu are common and contagious and if someone at home happens to suffer from the flu, you can make use of elderberry for flu prevention.
  • Since it is very rich in vitamin C, elderberry juice is very beneficial in the treatment of various bacterial diseases. It boosts the immune system of the body, thereby preventing and curing various infections and diseases. In fact, elderberry benefits for kids can be attributed to the fact that it helps strengthen their immunity, thereby preventing diseases.
  • Elderberry is also antiviral in action, and as such, it is a potent cure for viral diseases like common colds and fever. In fact, elderberry for colds is one of the most effective remedies to treat the condition. Also, the intake of the extract of elderberry is a useful flu remedy.
  • Another great health benefit of black elderberry juice is that it helps in keeping the digestive system healthy. It improves digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juices, and also prevents ailments of digestive system like constipation.
  • One of the elderberry uses is its ability to combat cancer. Some of the physiological reactions in the body leave free radicals as the by-products. These free radicals initiate chain reactions that cause cell division, leading to formation of tumors, which later become cancerous. The high content of antioxidants in elderberry helps prevent the formation of cancerous cells, thereby inhibiting the onset of cancer.
  • Elderberry is also anti-inflammatory in action and thus can be used for treating and preventing inflammatory conditions such as joint pains and arthritis.

How Much and How Often

For a preventative immune boost, most sources recommend that adults consume elderberry juice in small amounts such as 1 tablespoon or ½ ounce per day. Small children and infants are often given a teaspoon a day in consideration of body weight, especially at first. Remember, RHH elderberry juice is simply nutrient dense juice separated from the berry skin / pulp and not concentrated. Many these small amounts to water, soda water, teas, smoothies or other juices for taste and convenience. Small amounts taken a few times a day seems to be more effective than the equivalent quantity taken at one time, but much research remains to be done.

Consuming reasonably larger quantities (3-4 tablespoons/day) by adults for some days to weeks to address certain health conditions does not bother most people either, which is consistent in principle with most traditional recommendations and some medical tests. Common sense indicates that any increased consumption will probably be more effective if spread out over the day, like a ½ oz. every three hours for adults and youth 50 lb. or more, one-third to half that amount for small children.

Much of the early research on black elderberry’s antiviral qualities was done by Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, who created Sambucol and presented several papers at the First International Symposium on Elderberry. Her story is outlined in this article: Study shows Israeli elderberry extract effective against avian flu.

North American cool processed elderberry juice is heated for significantly less time (bout 5-6 minutes @ 180 degrees F) than the (over 90% imported) European elderberry concentrates (heated three days) or dried extract used in most commercially prepared products made overseas or in the USA. Though not yet demonstrated the laboratory, reason suggests that the cool-processed elderberry juice should one day prove to be more potently alive biologically than the concentrates or extracts. Also, North America’s Sambucus canadensis is blessed with 7 different antioxidants: the same 4 as Europe’s Sambucus nigra plus 3 more, giving it greater antioxidant variety.

Several animal studies, such as the one published in the September 2009 edition of the “Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry,” have revealed that the polyphenols present in elderberry extracts help lower the blood sugar and fat levels in diabetic animals. The extracts also possess significant antioxidant activity, and may thereby protect individuals with diabetes from the harmful effects of unstable free radicals that are formed as a result of various metabolic processes in the body. [Be sure to check out the links on the Medical Research Notes and Symposium pages.] All of the established elderberry products have a good history of providing health benefits to consumers, so experience for yourself what a little elderberry can do for you every day. You’ll probably like it.